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Gravity & Electromagnetic Waves

Gravity & Electromagnetic Waves
First Edition, Hardback Book, Published in 2010,
53 Pages,
2 Figures,
1 Table,
Suitable for Academics and Researchers,
      Dr Mark Andrew Newstead
      Stephen Charles Newstead

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  Current scientific theories state that there are four fundamental forces in the universe. These are the strong force, the weak force, electromagnetism and gravity.

In the first book (The Atom Uncovered), we showed how the strong and weak forces could be combined into the electromagnetic force.  In this book we expand upon this work, to show that under certain conditions electromagnetic waves can have mass.  Moreover, we show that this mass actually related to a gravitational component within the wave itself.  In doing so, we are able to combine the gravitational and electromagnetic forces, as well as describe how the field strength of each component changes with the velocity of the electromagnetic wave.  From this combination of gravity and electromagnetic waves, we show how gravitational time dilation and length contractions naturally drop out of the model.  Furthermore we use this model and the model from " The Atom Uncovered", to explain that all the different types of energy that humans deal with are just manifestations of the same object (gravitational-electromagnetic waves).  This model also explains why time would only travel in one direction and at a constant continuous (as opposed to discrete) rate (locally given a constant local gravitational field).



  • The model predictions that electromagnetic waves have a third component, being gravity.
  • The gravitational component is in the form of a standing wave.
  • It also has twice the frequency of the electric and magnetic components.
  • The strength of the gravitational field is inversely proportional to the speed of wave, but proportional to the frequency of the wave.
  • The model predicts that anti-gravity cannot exist.
  • The model predicts that all forms of energy are just different manipulations of gravitational-electromagnetic waves.
  • The model predicts that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light.



  • Why the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases as it enters a gravitational field, and decreases as the wave leaves.
  • Why both apparent energy and mass increases as a particle or wave enter a gravitational field and vice-versa.
  • Why rotational and linear frame-dragging occurs.
  • Why gravitational time dilation and length contraction occur and why this is the same for both matter and waves.
  • Also why the strong equivalence principle is a good approximation in all situation, unless within a strong gravitational field (i.e. close to a neutron star or black hole).
  • How a finite speed of gravity still allows the planets and other such bodies to orbit their parent stars.

